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Complaints about members of the IET

Persons in any category of membership shall at all times uphold the dignity and reputation of their profession, act with fairness and integrity towards everyone with whom their work is connected, and towards other members and safeguard the public interest in matters of health, safety, the environment and otherwise.

They shall, in addition, exercise their professional skill and judgement to the best of their ability and discharge their professional responsibilities with integrity.  They shall encourage the vocational progress of those in their professional charge.

In joining the IET, all members agree to abide by the Rules of Conduct. Members re-affirm their commitment to the Rules through the annual renewal of their membership.

Suggestions that a member’s conduct has contravened the Rules are reviewed in accordance with the Institution’s Disciplinary Regulations.

The following would constitute an allegation of improper conduct for the purpose of the IET’s disciplinary process:

  • Any breach of the IET’s Bye-laws or Rules of Conduct;
  • Personal status (eg bankruptcy, criminal offences unconnected with work).

Complaints about members of the IET must be submitted in written form (which includes electronically) to the Governance and External Engagement Director. You can submit your complaint to us in the following ways:

By post

Write a letter setting out your complaint and send it together with any supporting evidence to:

The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Futures Place
Kings Way

By email

Send an email setting out your complaint together with any supporting evidence to:

Before you submit your complaint to us, we suggest that you read the following documents:

Personal data

Before you submit your complaint, please read our privacy statement. 

Any data you submit to us will be processed for the purposes of handling your complaint. In particular, please note the IET’s position on complainant anonymity.